Masturbation: Healthy or Not?

12 Mar

Culled from The Conversation, UK.

Are religious reasons enough for us to condemn the act?

Masturbation, or touching one’s own genitals for pleasure, is something that babies do from the time they are in the womb. It’s a natural and normal part of healthy sexual development.
According to a nationally representative US sample, 94% of men admit to masturbating, as do 85% of women. But societal perspectives of masturbation still vary greatly, and there’s even some stigma around engaging in the act. Related to this stigma are the many myths about masturbation, myths so ridiculous it’s a wonder anyone believes them.
They include:

masturbation causes blindness and insanity;
masturbation can make sexual organs fall off; and

masturbation causes infertility.

In actual fact, masturbation has many health benefits that are good for you
For women, masturbation can help prevent cervical infections and urinary tract infections through the process of “tenting,” or the opening of the cervix that occurs as part of the arousal process.
Tenting stretches the cervix, and thus the cervical mucous. This enables fluid circulation, allowing cervical fluids full of bacteria to be flushed out. Masturbation can lower risk of type-2 diabetes (though this association may also be explained by greater overall health), reduce insomnia through hormonal and tension release,and increase pelvic floor strength through the contractions that happen during orgasm. For men, masturbation helps
reduce risk of prostate cancer, probably by giving the prostate a chance to flush out potential cancer-causing agents.
Masturbation also improves immune functioning by increasing cortisol levels, which can regulate immune functioning in small doses. It also reduces depression by increasing the amount of endorphins in the bloodstream.
Masturbation can also indirectly prevent infertility by protecting people from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that can lead to infertility – you can’t give yourself one of these infections! There is one final benefit to
masturbation: it’s the most convenient method for maximising orgasms. And there are plenty of additional
benefits from orgasms generally, including reduced stress, reduced blood pressure, increased self-esteem, and
reduced pain.
Good for your partner too
From a sexual health point of view, masturbation is one of the safest sexual behaviours. There’s no risk of pregnancy or transmission of sexually transmitted infections; there’s no risk of disappointing a partner or of performance anxiety; and there’s no emotional baggage. And, only an arm’s length away is mutual masturbation. Mutual masturbation (two partners who are pleasuring themselves in the company of the other) is a great (and safe) activity to incorporate into other partnered sexual activities.
It can be especially good to begin to learn more about what your partner likes and to demonstrate to your partner what you like. Open communication with a partner will improve your sex life and relationship, but is also
important for modelling communication skills for younger generations. Talking about masturbation also has benefits. Promoting sex-positive views in our own homes and in society, including around masturbation, allows us to teach young people healthy behaviours and attitudes without stigma and shame.
Parents and guardians who feel embarrassed or need extra guidance to do this should seek out sex-positive sources of information, like ones from respected universities.


Posted by on 12/03/2014 in Uncategorized


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5 responses to “Masturbation: Healthy or Not?

  1. drnsmusings

    28/03/2014 at 11:38 pm

    I beg to disagree O! The bible does not directly condemn it. However, it is addictive to an extent. I think it creates dissatisfaction. Eventually, no one will be able to do u like u do yourself. As a Christian, it is unnecessary. The Holy Spirit gives better ideas on self mastery. For anyone else, why not? Do as u like.


    • Tito Tobi

      16/08/2014 at 12:25 am

      Y’know I really thought deeply about your comment and it took me about 4 months to find a reply. Like, really? the Bible does not directly condemn it? That’s news to me. I thought it did.
      Yes, I know it’s addictive and I agree that’s a downside.
      And, No one will be able to do U like U do yourself. That’s quite deep and I guess it’ll lie with the individual to make the best choice.
      So I guess your pick is Masturbation:Not healthy.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Tito Tobi

      16/08/2014 at 12:27 am

      Thanks for a very honest response.


  2. mik1999

    13/03/2014 at 12:47 am

    great post



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