14 Jan

Sometimes, we’re wrong. Sometimes we’re right. Sometimes we don’t know what we are. The lyrics of an old song. President Goodluck Jonathan sure seems to know what he did signing the petition against LGBT rights. Hours after signing the petition that considers all homosexual relations an offence punishable by 14 years imprisonment, there has been public outcry across the globe but Nigeria seems like she will not back down. A lot of Nigerians believe it’s a massive step in the right direction by the President who has been largely criticised for under-performance and perceived weakness and support for corruption. However, judging from public opinion of Nigerians, the President sure did it right this time. The international community however, especially the government of the US has criticised the move claiming it is an attack on fundamental human rights. Really, does this constitute an attack on fundamental human rights? You be the judge. This isn’t a news blog so you can allow Tito just air his opinions here. I’m a Nigerian and I don’t support Nigeria condoning LGBTs but that’s just me.


Posted by on 14/01/2014 in Uncategorized


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  1. pjessien2013

    20/01/2014 at 2:42 pm

    • Tito Toby

      20/01/2014 at 3:25 pm

      Yeah, it’s like doing the right thing at the wrong time. I agree that Nigeria really has more pressing issues at hand than discussing sexuality. That’s all what the senators think though; sexuality, child marriage and sorts….. but really I don’t think it will score them any cheap political points though Nigerians applaud the passing of the law. Any other Nigerian president as we’ve had so far will also pass that law.


      • pjessien2013

        20/01/2014 at 10:26 pm

        In an ideal society, yes, it wouldn’t score them any long-term points. But the timing as well as the state of the Nigerian society are practically just right. In one stroke, Jonathan has managed to erase much of the ill will that has been plaguing him lately – if the internet and my local community are anything to go on, the average Nigerian now sees him as some sort of Mandela – and has diverted the people’s (and the world’s) attention from the major issues that are plaguing the country at the time. Maybe the breather from public focus the PDP crisis will enjoy for these couple of weeks is intended for some behind-the-scenes patching up? If Jonathan were a brilliant tactician, he’d follow this up with some token commendable project or announcement, and bam – people’s favourite again.
        The crowd is a fickle thing.



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